Wuse Zone 4 Postal Code (Zip Code) – Abuja (FCT)

Wuse is a district in Abuja Municipal (or the city of Abuja, as some people prefer to call it). Abuja Municipal is one of the 6 Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Wuse is divided into 8 areas, namely: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, and Wuse II.

All the aforementioned locations contain streets that, in most cases, use the same zip code (postal code).

Here are the streets in Wuse Zone 4 with their postal codes:

Zone 4, Wuse zip code

Location Postal Code
Arugha Cr. 900284
Bulao St. 900284
Choma St. 900284
Delta St. 900284
Garowa St. 900284
Gondet St. 900284
Harper Cr. 900284
Humanbo Cr. 900284
Kaolack St. 900284
Kayes St. 900284
Kigali St. 900284
Massana St. 900284
Nouachchott St. 900284
Oran St. 900284
Sultan Abubakar Way 900284
Sunyani St. 900284
Umme St. 900284
Yanorach St. 900284
Angola St. 900284
Bechar St. 900284
Burundi St. 900284
Faranmi St. 900284
Gabes St. 900284
Gaborone St. 900284
Kisiamu St. 900284
Khartoum St. 900284
Koforidua St. 900284
Korhogo St. 900284
Kribi St. 900284
Kumba St. 900284
Lavumisa St. 900284
Mambolo St. 900284
Michael Okpara St. 900284
Naimey St. 900284
Quagadougou St. 900284
Senanga St. 900284
Sultan Abubakar St. 900284
Tourggourt St. 900284
Abidjam St. 900284
Al Fayyan St. 900284
Algeria St. 900284
Aswan St. 900284
Bamenda St. 900284
Casamank Cr. 900284
Conakry St. 900284
Diourbell St. 900284
Herbert Marcaulay Way 900284
Lubumbrasiru St. 900284
Lukulu St. 900284
Maputo St. 900284
Matadi Cr. 900284
Mosadishu St. 900284
Nampola St. 900284
Ndande Cr. 900284
Olusegun Obasanjo Way 900284
Safar St. 900284
Sultan Abukakar Way 900284
Yele St. 900284
Addis Ababa St. 900284
Bencrat St. 900284
Constantins St. 900284
Farnah St. 900284
Herbert Macaulay (N) Way 900284
Hontserrado St. 900284
Ibrahim Babangida Way 900284
Kainiji Cr. 900284
Kasim Ibrahim Way 900284
Ladi Kwali St. 900284
Manzani St. 900284
Mexnes St. 900284
Mogadehu St. 900284
Portsad St. 900284
Safi St. 900284
Zuez Cr. 900284
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About Author

I am a geography and urban planning enthusiast with extensive experience in Nigeria’s postal system. Thank you for joining me in simplifying the mailing process in Nigeria!

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